Aug 22, 2007

People from Jutta

Last weekend we went on a trip to a little village called Jutta, situated in the Sno valley, one of the side valleys. Again we visited families who can accommodate tourists. All people in the village belong to the same family: Arabuli. They used to be shepherds, but now, where they have no access anymore to the winter grazing land 600 km away at the Caspian sea they keep cows and most of them work as border guards, checking the mountains between Chechnya and Georgia. Despite their hard life- the village is cut off from civilization during winter- these people kept an amazing humor and warm spirit. It was really amazing: here we sit just a few km away from one of the hotspots of current political events and still it feels like the most peacefull place on earth.

Our host Soso (the man on the right), who took us in his jeep from Kazbegi, showed us around. Here he is talking with Jargo.

When i was still in Hamburg a friend of a friend heard that i was going to Georgia and told me about Timo Vogt, who is a free photo journalist working a lot in and about Georgia. And here in Jutta, in the middle of nowhere, I met him. Together with Tine he is helping his friend Jargo to get his house ready for tourists. What a coincidence! We had a nice evening together and Timo could answer some of our questions about current political events in the caucasus region. His reportages and pictures can be found on

1 comment:

Oreste Attisani said...

E' davvero molto suggestivo!